Buying Last Minute Flights


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Buying last minute flights are actually quite tricky. Many charter airlines will deal primarily with packages. Such as the flight-only option can actually end up costing more than a simple package. All is not lost though!

There are still plenty of ways to pick up a flight bargain. Bear in mind that if you are going for a do it yourself option on your holiday, it is wise to book the flight first, as this is likely to be the largest expenditure and there is generally less of a variety of carriers meaning less room for negotiation. Almost without exception finding a cheap hotel will be easier than finding a cheap flight.

Trawl the websites of those flight operators that cover the location which you wish to travel to. Join their mailing list. OK, so you may end up with endless junk mail. The good thing is you will also get to hear about all of the deals that they are currently offering.

Best deals during Monday to Thursday

As a general rule, the best deals are available for flights leaving Monday to Thursday. On domestic flights, you can find many bargains on a Saturday. Travelers will almost invariably pay more for a Friday or Sunday flight. Most holiday operators will offer the best deals for those who purchase a set time in advance, normally at least 14 days. If it is possible to stay a Saturday night, this will also normally result in a lower fare.

When searching, if possible, entertain the possibility of a flight that involves a connection. Airlines often place a large premium on non-stop flights. If this is not vital for you, you are likely to be able to save many dollars.

A further premium is normally placed on ‘nice’ flight times, i.e. ones that will not involve a particularly early start or involve traveling overnight. Again if you are ready to compromise slightly on your flight times, you may find that you can make huge savings.

Try not to stick rigidly to your destination. It may be possible to fly into a nearby airport and drive the last hour or so; this may offer you a better price overall.

Buy you flight at Expedia

Whenever you are considering buying a flight, it is always worth going to a consolidator such as Expedia. This will give you some excellent background information, such as the operators that offer the destination you are after and the typical prices.

By doing your homework you will be able to act quickly when you see a bargain in the future.Very good deals often only appear for a very short period of time so it is important that you learn to recognize a good deal so that you can pounce on one-off deals before they disappear.

When you are doing your homework, try a search with ‘flexible dates’. This will allow you to get a good feel for the price differences that are in operation during your ideal travel period.

A few other hints that can help you to bag a flight bargain is to consider air courier travel. To be able to become a courier you will have to be very flexible, prepared to travel alone with very little luggage, but on the plus side, you will get to travel to new places very cheaply.

Some countries offer air passes to tourists that allow discounts if you are planning on spending a lot of time traveling around a particular region such as Australia or Europe.

If you book an airline ticket and then find that the price has gone down, contact the airline and ask for a refund. Many of the large airlines offer to pay back the difference if the prices go down. Read the small print and ask for the refund if it applies. Even if your chosen airline does not offer this sort of refund policy it is still worth asking as with increased competition airlines are very keen to keep customers happy.

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